college policies

Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity

General Statement

Academic integrity is the commitment to, and demonstration of, 在学术环境中表现出诚实和道德的行为,并要求承认他人的贡献. 它强化了学习和知识的价值, ideas, expressions, and creations of students, staff, faculty, and other experts in their fields. It is fundamental to academic, personal, and professional success, and therefore, is highly valued at Macomb Community College. Intentional and unintentional cheating, 在考试或其他学术作业中抄袭或其他违反学术诚信的行为是违反学院政策的.

Students are expected to adhere to the 学院规章制度学术工作诚信部分, and the Student Code of Conduct section on Violations of Academic Integrity.

所有涉嫌严重和/或故意违反学术诚信的行为, regardless of the sanction, must be identified, described, 并且由教员通过提交一份 Academic Integrity Violation Report. 违规行为发生后,应尽快提交《十大hg体育平台注册》. 收到学术诚信违规报告后, 学生行为办公室可能会启动解决程序.



Course-Level Sanctions

课程级别的制裁仅限于在单一课程中违反学术诚信. A student who cheats, plagiarizes, 或者故意违反学术诚信是严重的违法行为,学生将受到课程级别的处罚,包括不及格.

课程级别的处罚应与违规行为成比例,并由其教员执行. 对教师的课程级处罚包括考试不及格或发生违规的学术作业不及格, reduction of the overall course grade, failure of the class, 或者其他教师认为适当的处罚, 鉴于违法行为的性质和严重性. 如果是轻微的违规行为,教师可以拒绝施加制裁, 他们相信这件事已经和学生得到了圆满的解决.

如果老师的处罚是不及格, 此外,还要完成一份学术诚信违规报告, the faculty member will notify the Office of Records & Registration as soon as possible.

因违反学术诚信而不及格的学生可以继续 attend class. 如果该学生此后有违反学校政策或破坏教育进程的行为, the faculty member may refer the incident to the Office of Student Conduct for further review and additional sanctioning.

如果学生认为教师发布的最终成绩违反了教师公布的评分标准或做法(i.e., syllabus), the student must use the Grade Complaint Procedure. 这并不包括更改教师分配的分数的能力, 如mcfo合同所述,这些上诉将由标准委员会进行评估, Article III.N.2.a.

如果学生对任何涉嫌在课程层面违反学术诚信的指控提出上诉, they must meet with their faculty member. If the issue is not resolved, 学生必须与相应的副院长或教员所在院系的院长会面, which will result in a final determination.


而教师有权在其课程中适当地管理课程级别的制裁, 该学生还可能受到学院的额外纪律处分. 多次和/或极端违规行为可能会导致学生成功主任与教务长或其指定人员协商进行审查,并进行制裁.

同时学院保留根据违规的性质和严重程度加快或改变这些步骤的权利, 违反学术诚信可能导致以下大学级别的制裁:

First Reported Violation – Warning
The first reported, 涉嫌违反规定的学生可能会被以警告信的形式发出警告, 不管教师决定的课程级别的制裁.

Second Reported Violation – Workshop
The second reported, 涉嫌违规可能导致向学生发出关注信, 不管教师决定的课程级别的制裁.

Third Reported Violation – Suspension
The third reported, 违反规定的学生可能会收到停学通知书, 不管教师决定的课程级别的制裁. 学生将被要求与学生成功主任和教务长或其指定人员会面.

Fourth Reported Violation – Expulsion
The fourth reported, 涉嫌违反规定的学生可能会被开除, 不管教师决定的课程级别的制裁.

Alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct, including Violations of Academic Integrity, 将通过学院的决议程序解决,学生行为记录将由学生行为办公室保存.

Approved by Executive Leadership Team
May 2, 2023